2013 홍익대학교 미술대학 박사 졸업 (동양화), 서울
2008 오리곤 대학교(Univ. of Oregon) Painting & Drawing 석사 졸업, 미국
1997 숙명여자대학교 미술대학 석사 졸업 (한국화), 서울
1995 숙명여자대학교 미술대학 학사 졸업 (한국화), 서울
2022 WATER ODYSSEY 코라 (굿스페이스, 대구)
2018 WATERSCAPE_잠기다 (굿스페이스, 대구)
2018 WATERSCAPE_스미다 (신원갤러리, 경주)
2017 WATERSCAPE_無價寶珠 (화엄사_성보박물관, 보제루)
2016 WATERSCAPE_水流花開(백운갤러리)
2015 Waterfall (갤러리선제)
2015 WATERSCAPE_物我一體(아라아트센터)
2013 WATERSCAPE (영은미술관)
2013 MæSS_After Purification (공아트스페이스)
2012 MæSS_Purification (현대미술관_문헌관 전관, 홍익대학교)
2011 MæSS_山.水.火.風 (미술공간 현)
2010 MæSS_LAND (인사아트센터)
2010 MESS_Haiti (문신미술관_빛 갤러리, 숙명여자대학교)
2010 MASS_Nebula (Fairbanks Gallery, 오리건주립대학교, 미국)
2009 MASS_Invented sky (Chambers@916 Gallery, 미국)
2008 MASS_Clod/Cloud (ADELL MaMILLAN Gallery, 미국)
2008 Eying/Iing Installation (Eric Washburn Gallery, 미국)
2005 City Scapes (White Lotus Gallery, 미국)
2002 Impression of the Metropolitan Seoul (White Lotus Gallery,
2001 MANIF_Seoul International Art Fair (예술의전당)
2001 Life_Confluence (Pegasus Gallery, 미국)
2000 Soul of Seoul (Fairbanks Gallery, 오리건주립대학교, 미국)
1998 Life_Wall (공평아트센터)
1996 Life_Coexistence (서경갤러리)
[그룹전 및 온라인 활동]
2022 서울시-KT 광화문광장 미디어아트 (서울시, KT, 서울)
2022 예술과기술융합지원_유형2 (한국문화예술위원회, 아트앤테크, 서울)
2022 LUCEVISTA 빛의 풍경 (이데일리 문화재단, 레이빌리지, 서울)
2021 예술과기술융합지원_유형1 (한국문화예술위원회, 아트앤테크, 서울)
2021 Nature Project_서울로 미디어 캔버스 (서울특별시, 서울)
2020 경기예술 융복합프로젝트 [아트X] 선정
2020 인천아트플랫폼 기획공연_IAP 콜라보 스테이지
무대미술 (인천아트플랫폼 C동 공연장)
2020 영은미술관 20주년 특별기획전_영은지기, 기억을 잇다 (영은미 술관)
2020 21c WATERCOLOR展 (양평군립미술관)
2019 ‘설화아트' 온라인展 (아모레 퍼시픽, 서울문화재단)
2017 Here Being: 송창애 & 이민정 2인전 (갤러리세인)
2017 살랑대는 예술 군도 ‘0’의 조경 (해동조경 터)
2017 Blossom: 송창애 & 빈센트 메킨토 2인전 (벽과나사이 갤러리)
2017 불이(不二): 여성과 자연(조선일보 미술관)
2017 새로운 만남_신소장품展 (영은미술관)
2017 예술가의 선물展 (갤러리 세인)
2016 탐-색 Craving Colors (63 아트 미술관)
2016 내 삶의 속도는 몇 km인가 (갤러리 나우)
2015 소마 드로잉: 무심(無心) (소마미술관)
2015 평창베엔날레: 생명의 약동 Elan Vital (알펜시아 리조트)
2015 예술_공감의 코드 (조선일보미술관, 제주문화예술진흥원)
2014 치유의 기술_비움과 채움 (제주도립미술관)
2014 WATER_천진난만 (소마미술관)
2014 360 min. Art (영은미술관)
2014 아트캠페인_바람난 미술 (서울시민청, 구로아트벨리)
2014 Seascapes (갤러리포월스)
2014 신소장품展 (제주현대미술관)
2014 서울아트쇼_한국미술의 주목할 작가전 (코엑스)
2014 페인티안 행복소품전 (페인티안 갤러리)
2014 제 24회 숙원전 (아카갤러리)
2013 A&C New ArtFair (SETEC 서울무역전시센터)
2013 한국미술의 조형과 방법 (임립미술관)
2013 자기 안의 이야기 (조선일보미술관)
2013 제 23회 숙원전 (한국미술관)
2012 카야프: 형형색색-오늘을 읽다 (킨텍스)
2012 자연의 소리-환경미술전 (마산아트센터)
2012 경남미술촌연합전 (마산아트센터)
2012 미술대학교수 교류전 (공평아트센터)
2012 서울-베를린: 지구의반란-귀환.회복.만남 (베를린문화관, 독일)
2012 백화노방 (양평군립 미술관)
2012 제22회 숙원전 (화봉갤러리)
2012 청년작가모색전 (단원미술관)
2012 한중미술작품교류전 (연변박물관, 중국)
2011 adieu2011 작가만세_19금 (갤러리 라엘)
2011 서울모던아트쇼 in Seoul (세종문화회관)
2011 서울모던아트쇼 in China: Korea China Art Festival (강소성 소주 미술관, 중국)
2011 와우정담 (호마미술관, 서울)
2011 萬色, 然.人 (상명대학교박물관)
2011 Collecting for the Future: The Safeco Gift and New Acquisitions (타코마 미술관, 미국)
2011 Art &Addition (화봉갤러리)
2011 Project2011_Reason (백송갤러리)
2011 숙명여자대학교 105주년 기념전 (예술의전당_디자인미술관)
2011 하얀다락방전 (갤러리 스카이연)
2010 숙원전: 25주년 특별기념전 (인사아트센터)
2010 미술비평_2010 대한민국선정작가전 (서울시립미술관)
2009 The 9thNorthwest Biennial (타코마미술관, 워싱턴주, 미국)
2009 David W Simpson & Chang-Ae Song (Lisa Harris Gallery. 미국)
2009 SADA Introductions 2009 (Lisa Harris Gallery, 미국)
2009 Where We Cannot Go_Installation (Eric Washburn Gallery, 미국)
2009 Cultural Connections (Pegasus Gallery, 미국)
2009 Instant Soup (Patton-Molott Gallery, 미국)
2009 Drawing Center: viewing program archived (Drawing Center, 미국)
2008 Light and Air: The Landscape Revisited (Caladan Gallery, 미국)
2008 VIEW/ED_Installation (LaVern Krause Gallery, Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2008 Pacific Currents (Archer Gallery, Clark College, 미국)
2008 OSU Art Faculty (Fairbanks Gallery, Oregon State Univ. 미국)
2008 Recent Graduate Exhibit (Black fish Gallery, 미국)
2008 Summer Installation (LaVern Krause Gallery, Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2008 Open/End: MFA Thesis Terminal Exhibit (Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2008 Habitat (LaVern Krause Gallery, Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2008 Drawing (LaVern Krause Gallery, Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2008 Cultural Connections (Pegasus Gallery, 미국)
2006 Sources of Inspiration: Celebrating Diverse Views The Exchange Exhibit between OSU and Kaye Academic College of Israel (Beer-Sheva, Israel & Concourse Gallery, Oregon State Univ. 미국)
2006 상명대학교 특별전 (상명대학교)
2006 Jackie Woodward & Chang-Ae Song Exhibitions (North Santiam Hall Gallery, 미국)
2006 MFA painting show (LaVern Krause Gallery, Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2005 Confluenceby Chang-Ae Song, Rex Silvernail & Sidney Rowe (Pegasus Gallery, 미국)
2005 The3rd Around Oregon Annual juried exhibition (Corvallis Art Center, 미국)
2005 Imagining Ourselves Virtual Exhibit (International Museum of Woman, 미국)
2005 Fall Festival Fine Art Showcase (Corvallis Benton County Library, 미국)
2004 Dwellings (NORTHWIND Arts Center, 포트타운샌드, 워싱턴, 미국)
2003 Beyond Borders_Trends in Asian Contemporary Art (Azuma Gallery,미국)
2003 Artisans_2003 National juried Exhibition juried by Marian Parmenter, Executive Director of SFMOMA (ArtisansGallery, 미국)
2003 Opening Windows_An Introspective Journey of Woman (Pearl Gallery, 미국)
2003 Images & Poetry by Chang-Ae Song & W.E. Shumway (Pegasus Gallery,미국)
2001 제 95주년 숙명미술제 (인사아트센터)
1999 21세기를 여는 한국정예작가초대전 (서울시립미술관)
1999 아! 대한민국_다시 일어서는 한국인 (갤러리 상)
1998 붓질_그 자유로운 표현전 (공평아트센터)
1998 전환기의 한국화_자성과 자각전 (공평아트센터)
1998 전업작가 DATA 협의회전 (한전프라자)
1997 내일의 지평_관점과 표현전 (공평아트센터)
[레지던시 및 아카데미 프로그램]
2014 ACIA 국립아시아문화정보원 아티스트 & 큐레이터 아카데미 레지던시 (국립아시아문화전당)
2013 영은창작스튜디오 레지던시 8기 & YAFP (영은미술관)
2010 아르코 신진작가 & 큐레이터 아카데미 (아르코미술관, 한국문화 예술위원회)
2009 The Anderson Ranch Artists-in-Residence Program (미국)
[지원금 및 수상경력]
2016 KAP 코리안아티스트 프로젝트 (한국문화예술위원회, 한국사립 미술관협회)
2015 ETRO 미술대상_은상 (백운갤러리)
2014 소마드로잉센터 아카이브 9기 (소마미술관)
2011 서울문화재단 창작예술지원금 (서울문화재단, 한국문화예술 위원회)
2011 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (미국)
2010 소마드로잉센터 아카이브 5기 (소마미술관)
2009 The Anderson Ranch Artists-in-Residence Program: full fellowships (미국)
2008 Drawing Center: Viewing program (뉴욕, 미국)
2008 School of Architecture and Allied Arts Dean’s Graduate Fellowship in Art (Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2007 Jury’s Choice: The 5th Around Oregon Annual (Corvallis Art Center, 미국)
2006 Phillip Halley Johnson Fellowships (Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2006 Ralph Baker Memorial Awards in Painting (Univ. of Oregon, 미국)
2005 Honorable Mentions: Art on Paper Juried by Pamela Wilson,
Executive Director of Maryland Federation of Art (Gallery International, 미국)
2003 The 3rd place: The 19th Annual National Juried Contemporary Fine Art Exhibition: New Directions 03 juried by Temero Mosaka, curator of Contemporary Art in Brooklyn Museum of Art (Barret Art Center, 미국)
1998 제 17회 대한민국미술대전 우수상_한국화부분 (국립현대 미술관)
1998 제 15회 동아미술대전 (국립현대미술관)
1998 제 19회 중앙미술대전 (호암아트홀)
1997 제 16회 대한민국미술대전 (국립현대미술관)
1997 제 7회 미술세계대상전 특선 (서울시립미술관)
1996 제 15회 대한미국 미술대전 (국립현대미술관)
1995 뉴프론티어전 우수상 (경인미술관)
1994 신미술대전 특선 (디자인센터)
1994 전국미술대학전 동상 (홍익대학교)
국립현대미술관: 미술은행, 영은미술관, 제주현대미술관, ETRO, MBN, 용인세브란스병원
Tacoma Art Museum, WA, USA
ACRS: Asian Counseling and Referral Service, WA, USA
2013 Ph.D, Oriental Painting , Hongik University, Seoul. Korea
2008 MFA, Painting & Drawing, University of Oregon, OR. USA
1997 MFA, Korean Painting, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea
1995 BFA, Korean Painting, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea
2022 WATER ODYSSEY Chora, GOODSPACE, Daegu, Korea
2018 WATERSCAPE_Submerged, GOODSPACE, Daegu, Korea
2018 WATERSCAPE_Permeated, Shinwon Gallery, Kyungjoo, Korea
2017 WATERSCAPE_Mugabojoo, Hwaeum Temple, Gurye, Korea
2016 WATERSCAPE_Sooryuhwagae, Baekyun Gallery, Korea
2015 WATERSCAPE_Mulailche, Ara Art Center, Korea
2015 Waterfull, Gallery Sunjay, Chilgok. Korea
2013 WATERSCAPE, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwangju, Korea
2013 MæSS_After Purification, Gong Artspace, Seoul, Korea
2012 MæSS_Purification, Hwabong Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2011 MæSS_Sansoohwapoong, Artspace Hyun, Seoul, Korea
2010 MæSS_LAND, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2010 MESS_Haiti, Installation, Light Gallery, Moonshin Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2009 MASS_Invented sky, Chambers@916 Gallery, OR, USA
2008 MASS_Clod/Cloud, ADELL MaMILLAN Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Eying/Iing, Installation, Eric Washburn Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2005 City Scapes, White Lotus Gallery, OR, USA
2002 Impression of the Metropolitan Seoul, White Lotus Gallery, OR, USA
2001 Manif_Seoul International Art Fair, Seoul Art Center, Korea
2001 Life_Confluence, Pegasus Gallery, OR, USA
2000 Soul of Seoul, Fairbanks Gallery, Oregon State University, USA
1998 Life_Wall, Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1996 Life_Coexistence, Seokyung Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2022 Seoul-KT Gwanghwamun Plaza Media Art (KT, Seoul)
2022 Art & Technology Convergence_Type2 (Korea Arts Council, Art & Tech, Seoul)
2022 LUCEVISTA: Scape of Light (Edaily Cultural Foundation, Ray Village, Seoul)
2021 Art & Technology Convergence_Type1 (Korea Arts Council, Art & Tech, Seoul)
2021 Nature Project_seoullo Media Canva (Seoul)
2020 Gyeonggi Arts Convergence Project [Art X], Gyeonggi, Korea
2020 Incheon Art Platform_IAP Collaboration Stage Art Performance Hall C, Incheon, Korea
2020 Youngeun Museum of Art 20th Anniversary Special Exhibition Youneunjigi, Connnecting Memories, Youngeun Museum of Art, Kwangju, Korea
2020 21c WATERCOLOR, Yanpyeong County Museum of Art, Yangpyeong, Korea
2019 Sulsha Art on-line Exhibition, Amore Pacific Seoul Foundation for Arts & Culture, Seoul, Korea
2017 Here Being: Song Chang-Ae & Lee Min-Jung, Two-person show
Gallery Sein, Seoul, Korea
2017 The Flirting the Art Archipelago, Seogbuk Art Commons, Seoul, Korea
2017 Blossom: Song Chang-Ae & Vincent Mclndoe Two-Person Show, Gallery Sai, Seoul, Korea
2017 Bulei: Women & Nature, Chosun lIbo Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2017 New Acquisitions, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwangju, Korea
2017 Artist's Present, Gallery Sein, Seoul, Korea
2016 Craving Colors, 63 Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2016 What kilometer is the speed of my life, Gallery Now, Seoul, Korea
2015 Soma Drawing: Mindful Mindless, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2015 Pyeongchang Beennale: Elan Vital, Alpensia Resort, Pyeongchang, Korea
2015 Art_Code of Sympathy, Chosun lIbo Art Museum Jeju Culture & Art Association, Seoul, Korea
2014 Art of Healing: Emptying & Filling, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, Korea
2014 Water_Innocence, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2014 360 min. Art, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwangju, Korea
2014 Art Campaign: Wind of Art, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul, Korea
2014 Seascape, Gallery 4Walls, Seoul, Korea
2014 New Collection Exhibition, Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju, Korea
2014 Seoul Art Show_ EXHIBITION OF 50 NOTABLE ARTISTS OF ART, Coex: Korea World Trade Center, Seoul, Korea
2014 Paintian Art Show, Paintian Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 The 24th Sookwon Exhibiiton, Aka Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2013 A & C New ArtFair SETEC: Seoul Trade Exhibition Center, Seoul, Korea
2013 Methods & Expressions of Korean Art, Limlip Art Museum, Gongju, Korea
2013 Story of Inner-self, Chosun lIbo Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2013 The 23rd Sookwon Group Exhibition, Korea Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 CAYAF: Looking through Today, KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea
2012 Art Village of Gyeongsangnam-do, Masan Art Center, Changwon, Korea
2012 Residence 2012: Enviroment Art Exhibition, Masan Art Center, Changwon, Korea
2012 Exchange Exhibition of Professor of Fine Arts Gongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2012 Seoul-Berlin: Revolt of the Earth-Return. Recovery. Meet Berlin Culture Center, Germany
2012 Backhwanobang, Yangpyung Art Museum, Yangpyung, Korea
2012 The 22nd Sookwon Group Exhibiton, Hwabong Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 Exhibition of Young Artist, Danwon Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2012 Korean-Chinese Art Exhibition, Yanbian Museum, China
2011 adieu 2011, Gallery Lael, Seoul, Korea
2011 Seoul Modern Art Show in Seoul, Seajong Center, Seoul, Korea
2011 Seoul Modern Art Show in China: Korea-China Art Festival Soju Art Museum, China
2011 Hongik Oriental Painting Alumni Exhibition, Homa Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
2011 Million color, Nature. Human, Sanmyung University Museum, Seoul, Korea
2011 Collecting for the Future: The Safeco Gift and New Acquisitions Tacoma Art Museum, WA, USA
2011 Art &Addiction, Hwabong Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2011 Project 2011_REASON, Baeksong Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2011 Sookmyung Women’s University 105 Anniversary, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2011 White Attic Exhibition, Gallery Sky Yeon, Seoul, Korea
2010 Sookwon Group_25th Anniversary Exhibition, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2010 Art Critic: 2010 Select Artist Exhibition of Korea Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2009 The 9th Northwest Biennial, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA, USA
2009 David W Simpson &Chang-Ae Song, Lisa Harris Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
2009 SADA Introductions 2009, Lisa Harris Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
2009 Where we cannot go- Installation, Eric Washburn Gallery, Eugene, OR, USA
2009 Cultural Connections, Pegasus Gallery, Corvallis, OR, USA
2009 Instant Soup, Patton-Molott Gallery, Snowmass Village, CO, USA
2009 Drawing Center: viewing program archived, Drawing Center, NY, USA East Meets West, LaSells Steward Center, Corvallis, OR, USA
2008 Light and Air: The Landscape Revisited, Caladan Gallery, Cambridge, MA, USA
2008 VIEW/ED Installation, LaVern Krause Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Pacific Currents, Archer Gallery, Clark College, WA, USA
2008 OSU Art Faculty, Fairbanks Gallery, Oregon State University, OR, USA
2008 Recent Graduate Exhibit, Blackfish Gallery, Portland, OR, USA
2008 Summer Installation, LaVern Krause Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Open/End MFA Thesis Terminal Exhibition Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Habitat, LaVern Krause Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Drawing, LaVern Krause Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Cultural Connections, Pegasus Gallery, Corvallis, OR, USA
2006 Sources of Inspiration: Celebrating Diverse Views The Exchange Exhibit betw. Oregon State University & Kaye Academic College of Israel, Beer-Sheva, Israel &Concourse Gallery, OSU, OR, USA
2006 Sangmyung University Art Works Special Exhibition Sangmyung University. Seoul, Korea
2006 Jackie Woodward & Chang-Ae Song, North Santiam Hall Gallery, Albany, OR, USA
2006 MFA painting, LaVern Krause Gallery, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2005 Confluence by Chang-Ae Song, Rex Silvernail & Sidney Rowe Pegasus Gallery, Corvallis, OR, USA
2005 The 3rd Around Oregon Annual juried exhibition, Corvallis Art Center, OR, USA
2005 Imagining Ourselves Virtual Exhibition International Museum of Woman, San Francisco, CA, USA
2005 Fall Festival Fine Art Showcase, Corvallis Benton County Library, OR, USA
2004 Dwellings, NORTHWIND Arts Center, Port Townsend, WA, USA
2003 Beyond Borders: Trends in Asian Contemporary Art Azuma Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
2003 Artisans - 2003 National juried Exhibition juried by Marian Parmenter Executive Director of SFMOMA, Artisans Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA
2003 Opening Windows - An Introspective Journey of Woman, Pearl Gallery, OR, USA
2003 Images &Poetry by Chang-Ae Song &W.E. Shumway Pegasus Gallery, Corvallis, OR, USA
2001 The 95th Anniversary Sookmyung University Art Exhibition Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1999 The 21st Century Korea Elite Artist Invitation Seoul Municipal Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
1999 Ah! Korea- Arising again, Sang Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1998 Stroke- Expression of Freedom, Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1998 Korean painting of Transition Period - Reflection and Awareness Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1998 Artist DATA Conference Exhibition, Hanjon Plaza, Seoul, Kroea
1997 Viewpoint and Expression, Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1997 Spaces of Three Hundreds Exhibition Dahm Gallery & Seonam Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
1997 Representation under Transition-Change of Cognition Exhibition
Ehoo Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 ACIA: Asia Cultural Information Agency Artist & Curator Academy National Asia Cultural Information Agency, Kwangju, Korea
2013 Youngeun Artist-in-Residence Program, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwangju, Korea
2010 Arko Emerging Artist & Curator Academy, Arko Art Center & Arts Council Korea, Seoul, Korea
2009 Anderson Ranch Art Center: Artist Residence, Snow Village, CO, USA
2020 Corona 19 Seoul Public Art Project, Seoul, Korea
2016 Korean Artist Project 2016, Korean Art Museum Association & Art Council Korea, Seoul, Korea
2016 ETRO Art Award, Baekyun Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 Soma Drawing Center Archive, Soma Drawing Center, Seoul, Korea
2011 Grant for arts creation & visual arts Seoul Foundation for Arts & Culture & Arts Council Korea, Seoul, Korea
2011 The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, NY, USA
2010 Soma Drawing Center Archive, Soma Drawing Center, Seoul, Korea
2009 The Anderson Ranch Artists-in-Residence Program: Full Fellowships, CO, USA
2008 School of Architecture & Allied Arts Dean’s Graduate Fellowship in Art University of Oregon, OR, USA
2008 Drawing Center: Viewing program, NY, USA
2007 Jury’s Choice: The 5th Around Oregon Annual, Corvallis Art Center, OR, USA
2006 Phillip Halley Johnson Fellowship, University of Oregon, OR, USA
2006 Ralph Baker Memorial award in Painting, University of Oregon, OR, USA)
2005 Honorable Mentions: Art on Paper juried by Pamela Wilson Executive Director of Maryland Federation of Art Gallery International Baltimore, MD, USA
2003 The 3rd place: The 19th Annual National Juried Contemporary Fine Art Exhibition: New Directions 03 juried by Temero Mosaka, curator of Contemporary Art in Brooklyn Museum of Art, Barrett Art Center, NY, USA
1998 The 1st Prize in Korean painting: The 17th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachon, Korea
1998 Accepted: The 15th Dong-A Art Exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachon, Korea
1998 Accepted: The 20th Joong-Ang Grand Art Exhibition Hoam Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1997 Accepted: The 16th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachon, Korea
1997 Specially selected: The monthly magazine Art World Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
1996 Accepted: The 15th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachon, Korea
1995 Superiority prize: New Frontier Exhibition, Kyungin Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1994 Specially selected: The New Grand Art Exhibition, Design Center, Seoul, Korea
1994 Bronze Prize: Art College Festival of Entire Nation Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
National Museum of Contemporary & Modern Art, Seoul, Korea
Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyunggido Kwangju, Korea
Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeju, Korea
Yongin Severance Hospital, Yongin, Korea
ETRO, Seoul, Korea
MBN, Seoul, Korea
Tacoma Art Museum, WA, USA
ACRS: Asian Counseling and Referral Service, WA, USA